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Dr. Mambourg has provided personalized and compassionate primary care and leadership to healthcare organizations for 40 years.  After completing medical school at the University of Wisconsin and an Affiliated Family Practice Residency at Mercy Health Services, he spent 12 years in family practice where he provided a full range of services, including administrative expertise.  His administrative experience expanded when he was appointed to VP Medical Affairs. Dr. Mambourg was then appointed as the VP Medical Affairs at Mercy Health Services where he later accepted a role in the corporate structure, now known as Trinity Health.  His roles evolved from Associate VP for Physician Integration to VP Physician Services at the 500+ bed hospital within St. Joseph Mercy Health System.  While reporting to the CEO, he provided leadership, supervised graduate medical education and medical research, oversaw medical formatics and worked with the Board of Trustees. Dr. Mambourg has also provided his medical expertise to a 42-bed hospital project in Lebanon. 


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